A Curious Seeker of Truth

He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”

John 3:2 (NIV)

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Today’s Devotional

In John 3:2, we find Nicodemus, a Pharisee and member of the Jewish ruling council, coming to Jesus at night to seek answers. Nicodemus acknowledges Jesus as a teacher who has come from God and recognizes the divine power behind the miracles He performs. This encounter highlights the importance of seeking the truth and being open to learning from Jesus.

Nicodemus’ decision to come to Jesus at night may indicate a fear of being seen by others, revealing the struggle many face when seeking truth and encountering Jesus. However, his curiosity and willingness to engage with Jesus demonstrate the beginning of a journey to understand the true nature of God’s kingdom.

Time to reflect

To apply the lessons from John 3:2, consider the following steps:

  • Be open to seeking the truth and learning from Jesus, regardless of your current beliefs or social standing.
  • Recognize the divine power of Jesus and His teachings, acknowledging that He is from God.
  • Do not let fear or social pressure deter you from exploring your faith and seeking answers.
  • Engage in conversations and ask questions about the teachings of Jesus, seeking to deepen your understanding of His message.

Prayer Of The Day

Lord Jesus, we come to You as curious seekers of truth, desiring to learn from Your teachings and understand Your divine power. Help us to overcome any fear or social pressure that may keep us from exploring our faith and seeking answers. Encourage us to engage in conversations and ask questions about Your message, as we strive to deepen our understanding of Your kingdom. In Your name, we pray. Amen.

Strengthening Faith

  1. Be open to seeking the truth and learning from Jesus, regardless of your current beliefs or social standing.
  2. Recognize the divine power of Jesus and His teachings, acknowledging that He is from God.
  3. Do not let fear or social pressure deter you from exploring your faith and seeking answers.
  4. Engage in conversations and ask questions about the teachings of Jesus, seeking to deepen your understanding of His message.

Today Wisdom

The story of Nicodemus reminds us that it is crucial to be open to seeking the truth and learning from Jesus. We must acknowledge His divine power and teachings, and not let fear or social pressure deter us from exploring our faith. Engaging in conversations and asking questions about Jesus’ message will help us deepen our understanding of His kingdom and grow in our relationship with Him.


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