Navigating Disagreements in Faith

Certain individuals came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the believers: “Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved.”

Acts 15:1 (NIV)

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Today’s Devotional

Acts 15:1 highlights a disagreement within the early Christian church. Some believers from Judea taught that circumcision was necessary for salvation, while Paul and Barnabas preached that salvation came through faith in Christ alone. This disagreement led to a significant council in Jerusalem, where the early church leaders discussed and resolved the issue.

This verse serves as a reminder that disagreements within the church are not a new phenomenon. As believers, we must learn to navigate these differences with grace and humility, seeking unity while remaining grounded in the truth of the Gospel. By doing so, we can maintain the unity of the church while staying true to the essential doctrines of our faith.

Time to reflect

As we reflect on Acts 15:1, let’s consider the following applications:

  • Acknowledge that disagreements within the church are inevitable, but we must approach them with grace, humility, and a commitment to unity.
  • Strive to maintain a balance between upholding essential doctrines and allowing for differences in non-essential matters.
  • Seek wisdom from Scripture and the guidance of the Holy Spirit when faced with disagreements or conflicts.
  • Emphasize the importance of unity within the church, while also addressing and resolving conflicts in a Christlike manner.
  • Pray for wisdom and discernment as we navigate the challenges and disagreements that arise within the church.

Prayer Of The Day

Lord, we thank You for the unity we share in Christ. We acknowledge that disagreements and conflicts will arise within the church, but we ask for Your wisdom and guidance as we navigate these challenges. Help us to approach these situations with grace, humility, and a commitment to unity. Teach us to discern between essential doctrines and non-essential matters, and to seek wisdom from Your Word and the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Strengthening Faith

In light of Acts 15:1, let us commit to:

  1. Approach disagreements within the church with grace, humility, and a commitment to unity.
  2. Maintain a balance between upholding essential doctrines and allowing for differences in non-essential matters.
  3. Seek wisdom from Scripture and the guidance of the Holy Spirit when faced with disagreements or conflicts.
  4. Emphasize the importance of unity within the church and address conflicts in a Christlike manner.
  5. Pray for wisdom and discernment as we navigate the challenges and disagreements that arise within the church.

Today Wisdom

Disagreements within the church are inevitable, but we must approach them with grace, humility, and a commitment to unity. By seeking wisdom from Scripture, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and upholding essential doctrines, we can maintain unity within the church while also addressing and resolving conflicts in a Christlike manner. Let us commit to navigating these challenges with wisdom and discernment, seeking the unity and peace that Christ desires for His church.


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