The Coming Baptism of the Holy Spirit

For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.

Acts 1:5 (NIV)

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Today’s Devotional

This verse encapsulates Jesus’ promise of the coming baptism with the Holy Spirit to his disciples. It distinguishes between the baptism that John performed with water—a symbol of cleansing and repentance—and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, a profound experience marking the empowerment and indwelling of God within believers.
The baptism with the Holy Spirit would soon become a pivotal moment in the life of the early Church, empowering the disciples to become bold witnesses for Christ. This same Spirit is available to us today, equipping and transforming us into the likeness of Jesus Christ. We are not left powerless in our Christian journey; we have the Holy Spirit in us as our helper and guide.

Time to reflect

Reflecting on Acts 1:5, consider these applications in your life:
  • Acknowledge the Holy Spirit’s power in your life and rely on His strength rather than your own.
  • Cultivate a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit through prayer and meditation on God’s Word.
  • Seek opportunities to bear witness to Jesus, trusting the Holy Spirit to empower and guide your words.
  • Regularly ask God to fill you anew with His Spirit, that you might live and serve in His strength and wisdom.

Prayer Of The Day

Lord God, we are thankful for the gift of the Holy Spirit. We are humbled and awed that You have chosen to dwell in us. Help us to rely on the Holy Spirit’s power as we live our lives for You. May we be faithful witnesses of Your love and grace, trusting the Holy Spirit to guide our words and actions. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Strengthening Faith

To strengthen your faith based on Acts 1:5, consider these action steps:
  1. Spend time each day in prayer and Scripture reading, seeking to deepen your relationship with the Holy Spirit.
  2. Reflect on your life and identify areas where you need the Holy Spirit’s empowerment.
  3. Seek opportunities to share your faith with others, trusting in the Holy Spirit to guide your words.
  4. Pray regularly for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit, that you may serve God effectively in all you do.

Today Wisdom

The promise of the baptism with the Holy Spirit in Acts 1:5 is a powerful testament to God’s intention to empower His people. As believers, we are not left to our own devices but have the Holy Spirit indwelling and strengthening us. Let us continually seek to live under the Spirit’s guidance and power, serving as faithful witnesses for Christ.


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