On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
Luke 10:25 (NIV)
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Today’s Devotional
Time to reflect
- Reflect on your understanding of what it means to love God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself.
- Assess your relationships and interactions with others, considering whether you demonstrate love and compassion towards them, regardless of their background.
- Seek opportunities to show mercy and kindness to those in need, even if it requires stepping outside your comfort zone or challenging societal norms.
- Pray for a greater understanding of God’s love and the ability to share that love with others.
Prayer Of The Day
Heavenly Father, thank You for the example of the Good Samaritan, which teaches us the importance of loving our neighbors as ourselves. Help us to understand what it truly means to love You with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, and to demonstrate that love by showing mercy and compassion to others. Open our eyes to the needs around us and give us the courage to reach out to those in need, even when it is uncomfortable or challenging. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Strengthening Faith
- Reflect on your understanding of what it means to love God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself.
- Assess your relationships and interactions with others, considering whether you demonstrate love and compassion towards them, regardless of their background.
- Seek opportunities to show mercy and kindness to those in need, even if it requires stepping outside your comfort zone or challenging societal norms.
- Pray for a greater understanding of God’s love and the ability to share that love with others.
Today Wisdom
The Parable of the Good Samaritan reminds us that inheriting eternal life involves not only following rules and regulations but also demonstrating love and compassion for others. By loving God and our neighbors as ourselves, we can live in a way that honors God and leads to eternal life in His kingdom. Let us be intentional in our efforts to show mercy and kindness to those in need, even when it challenges us or goes against societal norms.