Jesus said, Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.””
John 20:17 captures a pivotal moment in the story of the Resurrection, where Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene and instructs her to share the news of His impending ascension with His disciples. This verse highlights the deep connection between Jesus and His followers, as well as the important role they play in spreading His message.
The instruction given to Mary Magdalene emphasizes the urgency of sharing the good news with the disciples. Jesus wanted them to know that His time on earth was coming to an end, but that His relationship with them would not end. The verse also underscores the fact that Jesus’ relationship with His disciples is rooted in love, as He refers to them as “my brothers” and states that He will be ascending to “my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” This statement reveals the unity between Jesus, His followers, and God the Father.
Time to reflect
Considering John 20:17, we can learn the following lessons on how to apply the teachings of this verse in our personal lives:
Embrace the importance of sharing the good news of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension with others.
Recognize the deep, personal relationship we can have with Jesus as our Savior and God as our Father.
Understand that our relationship with Jesus transcends physical presence and is based on faith and love.
Seek to cultivate our connection with Jesus through prayer, studying His Word, and fellowship with other believers.
Prayer Of The Day
Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who conquered death and rose again. We are grateful for His sacrifice and the eternal life that we have through faith in Him. Help us to fully comprehend the depth of the relationship we share with Jesus, as our Savior and our Brother, and with You as our Father.
Empower us to share the good news of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension with others, so that they too may come to know and love You. Strengthen our faith and guide us in our daily walk with You, so that we may reflect Your love and grace to those around us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Strengthening Faith
In light of John 20:17, take these action steps to grow in our relationship with Jesus and share the good news of His resurrection and ascension:
Pray for opportunities to share the gospel with others and for the boldness to seize those opportunities.
Deepen your relationship with Jesus through regular prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers.
Reflect on the significance of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, and let it inspire you to live a life of faith, hope, and love.
Today Wisdom
John 20:17 is a powerful reminder of the significance of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, as well as the importance of sharing this message with others. As we go forth with the knowledge of Christ’s victory over death and His promise of eternal life, let us be encouraged and strengthened in our faith. May we continually deepen our relationship with Jesus, knowing that He is not only our Savior but also our Brother, and that we share an unbreakable bond with Him and our Heavenly Father. In doing so, let us be inspired to share the good news of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension with others, shining His light and love to a world in need of hope and salvation.
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