Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples. He went to the high priest
Acts 9:1 (NIV)
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Today’s Devotional
Time to reflect
- No one is beyond the reach of God’s grace – Saul’s transformation demonstrates that God can change even the most hardened hearts.
- God can use anyone for His purposes – Despite Saul’s past, God chose him to spread the Gospel and build His church.
- Our past does not define our future in Christ – Once transformed by God’s grace, we can leave our past behind and embrace a new life in Christ.
- Be open to God’s transformative work in our lives – We must be willing to let go of our old ways and allow God to shape us into the people He wants us to be.
- Share the story of God’s grace with others – By sharing our own experiences and the stories of people like Saul, we can inspire and encourage others in their faith journey.
Prayer Of The Day
Heavenly Father, we thank You for the transformative power of Your grace in our lives. We are grateful that no one is beyond Your reach, and that You can change even the most hardened hearts. Help us to be open to Your work in our lives and to leave our past behind, embracing the new life You offer in Christ. May we always be willing to share our stories and the stories of others, like Saul, to inspire and encourage those around us in their faith journey. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Strengthening Faith
- Spend time in prayer, thanking God for His grace and the transformative power it has in our lives.
- Reflect on areas of your life where you may need God’s grace to bring about transformation.
- Share your story or the story of Saul with someone who may need encouragement in their faith journey.
Today Wisdom
The transformation of Saul in Acts 9 serves as a powerful reminder that God’s grace is available to everyone, no matter their past or their current situation. As we reflect on the transformative power of God’s grace in our lives, let us be open to His work within us, leaving our past behind and embracing a new life in Christ. And as we continue on our faith journey, let us always remember to share our stories and the stories of those who have been transformed by God’s grace, inspiring and encouraging others in their own walk with the Lord.