The Divine Appointment of Philip and the Ethiopian

Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Go south to the road – the desert road – that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.”

Acts 8:26 (NIV)

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Today’s Devotional

In Acts 8:26, we witness a divine appointment between Philip and an Ethiopian eunuch who was searching for truth. The angel of the Lord instructed Philip to go to a specific road, the desert road between Jerusalem and Gaza. Philip’s obedience led him to encounter the Ethiopian eunuch who was reading the book of Isaiah and seeking to understand its meaning.
This passage reminds us of the importance of listening to God’s guidance and being willing to follow His lead, even when it takes us to unexpected places. When we trust in God’s plan and remain open to His direction, we can be a part of extraordinary moments in the lives of others.

Time to reflect

To apply the message of Acts 8:26 to our lives, consider the following points:
  • Cultivate a habit of listening to God’s guidance and being attentive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
  • Be willing to step out in faith and follow God’s lead, even when it takes you to unexpected places or challenges your comfort zone.
  • Trust that God can use you to make an impact in the lives of others when you are obedient to His guidance.
  • Remember that divine appointments often come at unexpected times and in unexpected places. Be ready to share the gospel when the opportunity arises.
  • Encourage others to be open to God’s leading and to embrace divine appointments as opportunities to share His love and truth.

Prayer Of The Day

Lord, we thank You for the divine appointments You arrange in our lives. We ask for a greater sensitivity to Your guidance and the willingness to follow Your lead, even when it takes us to unexpected places. Help us trust in Your plan and recognize the opportunities You provide for us to share Your love and truth with others.
Give us the wisdom and discernment to recognize the divine appointments You have arranged, and equip us with the boldness and compassion to share the gospel in those moments. May we be faithful witnesses of Your love and grace, pointing others to the hope we have in You.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Strengthening Faith

To apply the message of Acts 8:26 to your life, take these action steps:
  1. Spend time in prayer, asking God to reveal divine appointments in your life and to give you the sensitivity to recognize them.
  2. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone to follow God’s guidance and to share His love and truth with others.
  3. Look for opportunities to share the gospel with those around you, trusting that God will use your obedience to impact their lives.
  4. Encourage others in your community to be open to God’s leading and to embrace divine appointments as opportunities to share His love and truth.
  5. Stay connected to God through prayer and reading His Word, allowing Him to guide your steps and prepare your heart for the opportunities He brings your way.

Today Wisdom

Divine appointments are a powerful reminder that God is at work in our lives, orchestrating opportunities for us to share His love and truth with others. When we listen to His guidance and follow His lead, we can be a part of extraordinary moments that have a lasting impact on the lives of those around us. Let us be faithful and obedient witnesses, trusting in God’s plan and embracing the divine appointments He has arranged for us.


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