The Cost of Being a Disciple

Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said:

Luke 14:25 (NIV)

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Today’s Devotional

In this verse, we see that Jesus attracted large crowds as He traveled and taught. However, Jesus wanted to make sure that the people following Him understood the true cost of being His disciple. He didn’t want them to follow Him just because of the miracles He performed or the profound teachings He shared. Instead, He wanted them to understand the commitment and sacrifices required to truly follow Him.

Time to reflect

As we reflect on Luke 14:25, let’s consider the following points on how to apply the teachings of this verse in our personal lives:

  1. Examine our motives for following Jesus. Are we following Him because we are genuinely committed to Him and His teachings, or are we just seeking the benefits and blessings associated with being His disciple?
  2. Recognize the cost of discipleship. Following Jesus means denying ourselves, taking up our cross daily, and being willing to make sacrifices in our lives. It may not always be easy, but the rewards of being His disciple far outweigh the challenges.
  3. Be willing to commit wholeheartedly to Jesus. If we choose to follow Jesus, we should do so with our whole heart, putting Him first in our lives and prioritizing our relationship with Him above all else.
  4. Share the true cost of discipleship with others. As we share the Gospel with others, let us also share the commitment and sacrifices required to follow Jesus. This will help others understand what it truly means to be His disciple and to count the cost before they commit to following Him.

Prayer Of The Day

Lord Jesus, thank You for inviting us to follow You and for Your teachings that guide us on our journey. Help us to examine our motives for following You and to truly understand the cost of discipleship. Strengthen us to commit wholeheartedly to You and to be willing to make the necessary sacrifices in our lives. Give us the wisdom and courage to share the true cost of discipleship with others, so they too may count the cost and choose to follow You. In Your name, we pray. Amen.

Strengthening Faith

In light of Luke 14:25, let us take these steps to commit ourselves fully to Jesus and to share the true cost of discipleship with others:

  1. Examine your motives for following Jesus and ensure that your commitment to Him is genuine.
  2. Reflect on the sacrifices and challenges you may face as a disciple of Jesus and be willing to accept them.
  3. Prioritize your relationship with Jesus above all else in your life.
  4. Share the true cost of discipleship with others as you share the Gospel, helping them understand the commitment required to follow Jesus.

Today Wisdom

Following Jesus requires commitment, sacrifice, and a willingness to put Him first in our lives. By understanding the true cost of discipleship, we can fully commit ourselves to Jesus and experience the abundant life He has promised. Let us be willing to share this cost with others, so they too can make an informed decision to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.

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