A Heartfelt Expression of Devotion

Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.

John 12:1 (NIV)

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Today’s Devotional

In this verse, John sets the scene for a heartfelt expression of devotion from Mary, the sister of Lazarus. Jesus had arrived in Bethany, just days before His crucifixion. This was the home of Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from the dead, and his sisters Mary and Martha.

The context of this verse highlights the deep connection between Jesus and this family, and it prepares us for the story that follows. In this account, Mary anoints Jesus’ feet with an expensive perfume, demonstrating her love and gratitude for Him. Her act of devotion serves as a reminder to us of the importance of expressing our love for Jesus in tangible ways, recognizing the incredible gift of salvation He offers.

Time to reflect

As you reflect on John 12:1 and the devotion of Mary, consider the following questions:

  • How do you express your love and devotion to Jesus in your daily life?
  • What are some tangible ways you can show your gratitude for the gift of salvation He has provided?
  • How can you be more intentional in demonstrating your love for Jesus, both privately and in your community?

Prayer Of The Day

Lord Jesus, we are grateful for the love and devotion You have shown us by giving Your life for our salvation. Help us to express our love for You through tangible acts of devotion, just as Mary did when she anointed Your feet with perfume.

Guide our hearts to be more intentional in demonstrating our love for You, both in our private lives and in our interactions with others. May our acts of devotion to You bring glory to Your name and serve as a testimony to the transformative power of Your love. In Your name, we pray. Amen.

Strengthening Faith

  1. Reflect on the ways you currently express your love and devotion to Jesus, and identify areas where you can grow in this aspect of your spiritual life.
  2. Look for opportunities to express your gratitude to Jesus through acts of service, worship, and generosity, both privately and within your community.
  3. Share your experiences and insights with fellow believers, encouraging one another in your expressions of devotion to Jesus.
  4. Pray for a deeper understanding of the love and sacrifice of Jesus, asking God to reveal new ways to express your devotion to Him.

Today Wisdom

Mary’s heartfelt expression of devotion to Jesus serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of demonstrating our love and gratitude for our Savior. By intentionally seeking ways to express our devotion, both privately and within our communities, we can grow in our relationship with Jesus and bring glory to His name.


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